SEO Tips You Can Use Today for More Traffic

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Searching for some SEO tips and tricks to optimise your pages and start ranking on search engines? SEO is very important, most businesses and marketers probably wish they could avoid it and still succeed online.

But here’s the fact, generating traffic through SEO can be fun and easy. Without the appropriate use of SEO like keyword optimization and link building, search engines will not never know about your website. This might lead to very little traffic to your website. Good SEO can assist you to bring more traffic on your page and increase your sales.

Now let’s take a look at some of the tips to boost your traffic:

01Make humans your first priority and search engines second

Google algorithm gets smarter day by day and utilising constant human input, continues to better align with our thinking. Write for humans first and second for the search engines.

Your ultimate priority should always be to give your audience what they are looking for, which only comes by writing engaging and essentially naturalistic content. Everybody can find a keyword that’s been squeezed in and stuffing is even more detectable. So try fitting them where it deserves and enable driving keywords to elevate your already informative and valuable content.

Eliminate anything that slows down your site

If you’re selling a product/service, writing informational blogs or simply pointing someone in the right direction, your site must be quick, accessible, and convenient to use. People expect instant information these days, and instant results. They’ll just move on if your site takes an age to load.

There are a lot of ways that helps to improve site speed and the whole smoothness of your UX: clean up your code, delete old/defunct plugins, optimise and compress your images, ensure your sub-folders flow and make sense, and use tools like Google Page Speed Insights or GTmetrix to continue inspecting in the future.

03Always keep search intent top of mind:

You need to create the kind of content that searchers are looking for if you want to rank on Google. It is known as aligning your content with search intent, and it’s potentially the most crucial thing to get right in SEO.

For instance, let’s say you sell cosmetics online and want to rank for “best cosmetics.” Your first thought might be to develop a product category page listing all the cosmetic products you sell. This would be wrong as this is not what searchers are looking for.

If you look at the top-ranking pages in Google for this keyword, you’ll see that every single one is a blog post listing the best cosmetics.

Even if you want to rank a product category page, it’s probably never going to happen as Google knows that searchers want to learn, not buy. It would be much better off writing a blog post and linking to the product pages for the cosmetics you sell from there.

04Encourage Other Trustworthy Sites to Link to You

Inbound links are still the essence of search engine rankings to a large extent. While you combine dofollow and nofollow links, you get a natural link profile that even Google will reward.

Content marketing is everything about creating high-quality, engaging content which drives people to link to you and share your content on social media.

While you’re at the prominence of your industry, developing useful content and linking to authoritative blogs, you’ll understand that more people will link to you naturally. This is the lifeline of effective link building.

05Perform a Content Gap Analysis

Content gap analysis is an amazing SEO hack that assists in finding common keywords your competitors are ranking for, but you don’t. It also supports finding new topic ideas for your blog.

To run an effective content gap analysis, you need to type the domains or URLs of your major competitors. Your keyword tool (for example, Ahrefs) will scan your competitors’ whole websites and find out all keywords that have a potential for your website.

06Aim On User Intent With appropriate Targeted Keywords

When you target keywords, the usual tendency is to go for those which have the highest search volumes, but it is more necessary to find the focus behind a search. As per a research by the University of Hong Kong, search intent can be segmented into two:

  • People looking to find information relating to the keyword used
  • A user looking for more general information about a topic

A particular search will have a narrow intent and they are not looking for anything else while a general search will have the user looking at other related topics as well.
By taking advantage of keyword intent for intent-driven marketing, businesses can attract more traffic, drive more sales and generate more leads.

Wrapping up

You need SEO, if you want your site to succeed. Mastering SEO is a way of constant learning, experimentation, and creativity even for the experts. Make use of these tips to generate the results you want and conquer the SERPs, no matter your experience level.